Author Archive

POEM: “Spread Eagle” — Superwoman: the risk she took to get nearest flying on her bike in Montreal.

Sunday, June 10th, 2018

flying bike

Spread Eagle

Her little ass clenched packed in to tight jeans
And her pubis full and spongey strong pushed onto the seat
She was laying UPON her bike, FLYING opposite way down Beaudry!
Her hands on handle, bars, legs out like a bird, vertical: I heard her friend gleefully scream!

I looked down and saw the young girl spread-eagle riding her velo
Her legs straight out, her body flat like a kite tearing down the road
FEARLESS, taut, crazy and insanely bloused and beautiful
Superwoman: the risk she took to get nearest flying on her bike in Montreal.

Montreal, June 10, 2018


This is actually the pose. Google “riding Superman on bike” and you will not see one image of the young teen I just saw flying fiercely by, only men:


POEM: “Les mecs Montréalais (Electric City, Ici)” — Bref, pourquoi allumer la lumière quand le soleil brille crazy bright already?

Sunday, June 10th, 2018

B & P

Les mecs Montréalais (Electric City, Ici)

Une amitié forte
chez ces trois hommes
Les mecs Montréalais!
Émouvant en crisse:
Oui – j’l’ai écrit, ‘Brillant-Brian’!
Mais, j’ai arreté de sacré
Par 4:36 ah em, ah, men.

They met at the MTL bar to discuss holidays plans
for getting away to Germany for Oktoberfest in autumn.
I overheard them sorting how many weeks, then one of them
said he’d need an entire week to se calisser, relaxer, lire, écrire by the piscine.

And in that moment of eavesdropping
I was overcome with a feeling of caring
I wanted to be with that man at the piscine qui s’en calisse!
I wanted to massage his mind before his week-long festivities!

As we girls went to depart for Francofolies, I interrupted the men.
Told him I liked the sound of his week – has he tried Cuba?
Three gorgeous Montrealer mecs, bright-eyed and so intelligent,
spoke to us of politics, asked our names, searched for our opinions.

We guessed their ages wrong as you do when you’re older.
And these gents – all three, single, in their near 40s, seemingly together.
And Jesse told me Montreal is like this – shit-ton of amazing folks who are available
but watch out: it is transient, in the moment, bohemian, kindly opportunistic.

These men are living – sharing emotions and appreciations!
These men are feeling – expressing to each other their gratefulness!
It was like truly watching a Quebec film
Where the conversations are so interesting they drive the plot and action.

And the night wrapped up grand as we walked us four on Duluth
Something like 3 am, the black sky bright stars our roof.
We sang in Parc Lafontaine walking arm in arm, laughing like goofs
Asked a man on a bike to stop to take our photos as proof.

Toward five, we saw the black sky turn paled navy blue.
We knew the sun was rising in Montreal – beautiful.
We heard the birds, and then I knew
Such a memorable Montreal moment was gone too soon.

I always said had I put more interesting men
In between you and these times spent
ruminating, then I might get past you, then
move on, and 2013 could be the end.

But when I played Blair’s tune, I spilled the story.
His response was “men are raw,” found my tragedy confusing.
It’s always “it’s in my book” and “I wrote a book about musing”
Most don’t know what to say, and his reaction was: to leave me.

In Hoxton Square Circles, I chased tails under sheets
In Russell Square Station, I surrendered to be completed.
Through sex-less one-night stands or sexual acts secreted
Can you consume the beloved and all his treats, replete?

I am starving for this inspiration and conversations!
But they make me anxious in my dullness and lack of practice!
And maybe Big City people then know just how to handle it –
They enjoy the electricity, and their fire keeps burning

Knowing around the corner is another fabulous beauty
Another conversation soit parmi des femmes ou hommes: interesting.
What is it like to search for love and heat among so many fascinating people a’plenty
Bref, pourquoi allumer la lumière quand le soleil brille crazy bright already?

Sylvie Hill
Montreal, June 10, 2018

SEX & LOVE IN THE PARK: Meeting Shaun of

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

What a fabulous treat to meet Shaun Galanos of The Love Drive blog today in Montreal’s Parc Lafontaine.

Shaun is a self-described “lover of people and an over-communicator” who believes that “honest and playful communication is the answer to more connected relationships.”

His blog, podcast, and videos are fun, edutaining — and a refreshed perspective on what the hell is driving our love and sex these days!

Shaun had a “Free Love Advice” pop-up stand in Montreal’s Parc Lafontaine today, and I was (of course) lured by the topic — and the microphones! Having just been talking about a mate’s love-life on our stroll, it was perfect timing to pop in on the pop-up stand!

Sylvie and Shaun (The Love Drive)

Pulling from the vault of my old Ottawa XPress columns on the topic, into my spoken-word poetry performances, and over to my two books (Hoxton Square Circles and Russell Square Station) and finally my academic research and teaching topic, I was full of things to say about sexuality, relationships, and love.

Sure thing I went on about my own love/sex life. The non-existent one!

My question for Shaun: Is it possible to feel you’ve met all the men you’ll meet already, and like a book with the final chapter, my story has been written and shelved?

My advice for Shaun in looking for love: Be a tourist. Act foreign. Check your demographics.

Who knows?!

All told, excited, I was shaking with awakenedness, but likely catching a chill from the pond breeze on my sweating armpits from the invigoration.

Surely, Shaun knows a thing or three more than me! But don’t take my word for it.

Read him on Whether you’re in a couple, single, dating, or recovering — there’s a piece of intelligent wisdom and thought-provoking exchange in here for you!

(And to those of you who used to read me on Facebook, I think I’ve found my match for a “Tedxxx” series!)


Shout-out to Johnny for snapping the photo, not rushing me at the mic, and a park-sit afternoon that has sparked my Sylvie flame, anew, proving that Montreal does restore me — and while my soul has felt crushed lately, is re-ignited by a peopled park of picnickers and Nature, to be followed by two weeks of vacation amidst films, books, cafes, walks, people, and the most INSPIRING pop-up conversations on topics that matter, such as today’s with Shaun!

MUSIC WRITING: Lindy Vopnfjord |My words on his music

Thursday, May 31st, 2018

If you’re a musical artist looking for writing support for your album, reach out! Prepared bios, meaningful song reviews, and other press bits assist your PR team greatly by providing them the right stuff they need to talk accurately about the art and craft of your work.


Special music inspires me.

So, in 2017, I was lucky to work with Canadian musician Lindy Vopnfjord to contribute some music press for his last album, Frozen in Time.

Crafted his Artist and Discography bios, as well as reviews of all his songs. Click on INFO (beside each song) for my review of the track, including “Standing At My Door,” “The Leaves of Autumn,” “Artist of Life,” and more.

Lindy has performed five albums’ worth of originals that have mesmerized, delighted and moved audiences from house parties and bars to embassies, theatre halls with Canada’s Whitehorse, and large festivals, such as Montreal’s Osheaga, Reykjavik Folk Festival, and The Greenbelt Harvest Picnic. He’s beautiful. Check him out.


lindy vop

POEM: “Does she fry her brain with recollection of your faint scent?”

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018


It Goes On

Well now it is perhaps 7 years single
I thought and found myself admitting.
Was that pathetic and was it dull just saying it
There was that time in twenty thirteen, I reckon.

Still, no one talks like him nor did.
Precise, clear, exact, and connected.
No one I wanted to know more than him
Afraid to get personal, I did not beg.

I would make it one-way and always about me
And he would respond with friendship and clarity
And he’d dance me over and over, not stopping
In tolerance, and patience, and sweet problem solving.

O! Bring me your music – are you at all inspired!
Do you wonder about rainy London nights out on your island?
Are you happy with the choice to invest and hunker
And down with family, and friends who matter.

Do you long though for culture?
Gigs and restaurants and Soho dinner?
The international women and their style
And your strut and status from before?

I don’t re-play the old renditions.
I loved you as a friend without conditions.
Still do, and will, beyond the fictions
I am still on your side no matter their opinions.

And they can think me crazy in my catharsis
But they have not walked with you in their thigh cramps.
Does she fry her brain with recollection of your faint scent?
Does she feel triumph in handing you water while you were tucked in bed?

Sylvie Hill 2018

POEM: Attention “I miss men / Male lovers who can fetch hangers lodged behind radiators”

Saturday, April 21st, 2018


I miss men
Male lovers who
Can fetch hangers lodged
Behind radiators
And kill spiders
In the bathtub
And fix the battery
In the fire alarm
And change a lightbulb.

These men
Who were so good with technology
Fix me up with a stereo
And things
Wire my speakers
Hang my curtains
Make a good chili
Adjust apertures
Connect the VCR
And tighten my bindings.

They are there!

Oh, I can do such things for myself as a lady!
But the love that swells
In me as I watch the competency
Of a male lover
Who precision-cuts the bits for salsa
In such fine pieces
Can choose the right dress for me
Has style, makes suggestions
And whose hugs are tight and divine
Balances me
And my femininity
His duty: to fix things
Mine: to shine his ability.

It is not that I cannot do
Such things in these situations
It’s that when a male love
Does these things for his woman
It means she has his attention.

And oh what and but what is love
But being attentive
— with intention!

And yes I know you chainsaw wood and shit.
Don’t think I ever forget it.

© Sylvie Hill 2018

POEM: “Tie thine Essence dear to – Novels!”

Saturday, April 21st, 2018


POEM: “Family | Connections” — I sever connections where there is no meet

Sunday, March 25th, 2018


Family | Connections

I sever connections where there is no meet*
but grating bones, bare and scraping
zero substance, fear and weak beliefs
and an inability to stand up to/for me.

When I crashed my car he wrote to me:
“So it was your fault then?” Precisely.
Blaming another is not what I needed.
I prefer blunt, bold, stark honesty.

I saw off family appendages for their inutility (or them, me)
I do not keep blood relatives just because they are family.
I demand respect, intelligence and that you get me
Or you can fuck off with your judgment and tenuous links.

I am as intense as I am fierce for real
I will scare you with the amount I feel
I would rather be single than compromise my zeal
For a fuck-nut scared of my desire — or appeal.

(You’re smiling knowingly, you men that know/loved me:
That I’m not all this tough as I rant and appear to seem
For the one who said he was scared by my sexuality
Found me to be a kitten to hold, he was the strong to my weak

And you like that I fuck off fuckers like your mother
That I shrink into my girlness when I’m learning from your father
That despite my not wanting kids, your nieces/nephews seek me
That I reel appreciative, grateful into your loving family…)

© Sylvie Hill 2018

* absence, void, abandon, neglect, disregard, visitless, ignored.


POEM: “Attention Like A Siren’s Song” — And I should think you’d find a better word than “crazy” to describe my fierce attachment to your empathy.

Saturday, March 24th, 2018


Attention Like A Siren’s Song

No one really asks me much if I miss her.
People don’t ask those types of questions anymore.
We keep it light: friends are busy for sure
with work, their anxieties, families, burdens.

But those questions: they’re necessary
I ask them of others: a step into “you get me.”
And I should think you’d find a better word than “crazy”
to describe my fierce attachment to your empathy.

That time you took the time to write me
I was crushed by her casual mention of my ex so callously.
By midnight, I’d left the river, made my exit graciously.
Mother left by the fire after she destroyed me carelessly.

I was crushed and sick that someone who birthed me
Could be so clueless and hurtful and gossiping!
I thought, “why should I stay here, suffering?”
And told her, “Mother, I’m going home now, good evening.”

A full day of notes to you, I left but a short midnight one:
“So, after spending all day setting up mum
I’ve left the cottage and I’m home now”
And I didn’t write: wanted to sort it myself somehow.

Didn’t want to lean on you: knew you’d be there.
Wanted you to have a good weekend: not deal with this girl.
There you were with one, then two, three notes I remember:
“What happened?” again until you could make me feel better.

You said this was something you knew something about
That parents are like bulls in a china shop.
That they’re not entirely mean – just ignorant
That they don’t get you, and it shows when they say stupid stuff.

But you don’t know how much I’ve been injured
I’m not weak but the instability was torture.
That a parent derives a sick satisfaction
From watching you squirm painfully from their drama?

This is sickening! I reel as I write it!
I should never wish to hurt a child if I loved it!
Why, I’d only want to nurture, care and protect
But these parents of mine: they feel in hurt and superior in their neglect.

So please do find a better word than “crazy”
To describe my fierce attachment to your empathy.
I had only to write you to share with you my feelings
And you were right there always to preserve me.

When it changed, I panicked and suffocated!
Hurled hurting words and your distance desecrated!
When you turned me into the villain due to my persistence
Did you not see the compliment to you in my insistence?

But I always said it was like you danced me constant
And never took a break from watching over me, vigilant
And through wit, music, words supported
We exhausted the fuck out of each other, we sure did.

“I didn’t want to get personal,” you ended.
“So why did you care for me then,” I defended.

You do not know what it is to have a sadistic father
Burn a step-sister in the piping hot bath water.
You do not know what it is to have a cruel sister
Who bullies you and puts you down in front of others.

You do not know how it is to observe a mother
Condone your mistreatment, push you right into the fire
Into the hands of the father she calls an Abuser
Then blame you for leaving her while she was the neglecter.

And I should think you’d find a better word than “crazy”
to describe my fierce attachment to your empathy.
And of course if they say “She’s fucked – it’s been five years!”
Maybe instead of laughing at me, you’ll communicate concisely:

We were great friends, shit happened, we could not handle the fall out.

I have a history of being discarded and discarding, my love,
So ask yourself in a quiet ocean moment why I hold on…
Tethered to a connection: tendrilled like an octopus
You equally were lulled after your break-up

my attention like a siren’s song.

© Sylvie Hill 2018

POEM: “West Coast, Alibi and the Princess Idiot”

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

West Coast, Alibi and the Princess Idiot

By Christ, mate!
You make me want to love you with my crock pot!
Massage your hands and pulse your cock.
Get you iced water, or top you up
And listen to how the fuck your day was!

By Christ, mate!
Your garbled Souf London accent in your phone, you’re done
Day’s over, and you’re cleaning up
Sneaking in a text to the one who’s fun
Can I do your laundry: the bed’s made up!

I’ve always maintained my position on no kids
Always wanted to serve my man instead
But tragic it is that those who loved me I didn’t give all this (princess)
And those who were there for the ride always benefitted (idiot).

By Christ, mate!
Your atrocious spelling and punctuation!
The godawful formatting of your communication.
But you’re in there arguing your stance as a feminist
And that not all men are bad, nor women sluts: ridiculous.

By Christ, mate!
The way you shake hands with my friends
The way hugged me so hard you’d break ribs
The way you launch into real convos without hesitation
Your gentlemanly ways with your vulgar pronounciations

Get thee to Vancouver!
The weather is better!
And when you say goodbye?
West Coast alibi…

With kindness,

Princess Idiot

Sylvie Hill 2018