Author Archive

Hope’s Season Sufferance and Fulfillment

Saturday, February 18th, 2017

Hope’s Season Sufferance and Fulfillment

My, how winter deathened us!
Deadened in darkness:
expected us
to live on
despite animals in hibernation
and lack of light
on sleeping souls, and fattening bodies
that needed rest and reflection!

My, today’s sunshine awakened us!
Lifted us in warmth and:
filled us
with remembrance
of longer days of experience
walking easier without baggage:
our boots, coats, road salt and bullshit for
shorts, tanks, dresses, sandals and sunglasses!

My, how our memories will save us!
Promising us new experiences:
pushing us:
with perseverance
“Spring is just around the corner
and so is my happiness.”
Morning brilliance 6 am
Days passing swift to evenings’ fulfillment…

Sylvie 2017


EDGY POETRY + ART FOR SALE: Buy Sylvie & Juan’s indie book, “Russell Square Station: mine the trash”

Friday, February 17th, 2017

WE REACHED OUT TO OTTAWA AND GLOBALLY, and were rewarded with generous arts patrons who supported our Kickstarter crowd-funding contributions, and exceeded our ambitious $5,500 goal for POETRY and ART! We raised $6,233 to pay for the offset printing of my second book of poetry, but this time paired with Juan Carlos Noria (aka dixon) art, called Russell Square Station: mine the trash

Russell Square Station Russell Square Station

$29.99 BUY your copy at:

* Venus Envy (226 Bank Street North, Ottawa)
* Railbender Tattoo Studio & Art Gallery (3 Hamilton Avenue North, Ottawa)
* at
* Books on Beechwood (Ottawa)
* coming soon from Sylvie’s website

You can also buy the prequel, Hoxton Square Circles: starfucking tales of sexless one-night stands at Venus Envy.


The Book Launch was Friday the 13th of February, 2015 at Venus Envy in Ottawa. Here are some images!

Book Launch

Duo Muse books at Venus Envy View of Venus Envy

Sylvie reading "Russell Square Station: mine the trash"

Sylvie reading Russell Square Station: mine the trash Sylvie book launch

Sylvie explaining Sylvie laughing

You can listen to some of the poems here.


1/ Read about the book in Centretown News!

2/ Read about us in Ottawa’s online arts/culture/entertainment magazine, Apt613 here!

3/ Read about us in FourCulture Magazine here!

4/ Here’s what the University of Ottawa’s Continuing Education Program has to say about Russell Square Station: mine the trash as a contribution to the topic of women who muse men:

uOttawa promo for book - Version 2


I’ve written a NEW book called Russell Square Station: mine the trash. It’s a rare and fated story of one Woman and her male Muse.

Reunited in London, UK after 13 years in an explosive mess, the only way out of the wreckage is through poetry paired with the art of Juan Carlos Noria (aka dixon).

We have raised $6,233 with Kickstarter, which covers the cost of printing and other costs. It’s a visual story in poetry.

The book is designed by street artist and fashion textile designer, Laura Fernandez (aka Olivia), from Barcelona. Designed and ready to print it, we want to get it into your hands, art galleries & independent book stores!

Front Cover - Russell Square Station Back Cover - Russell Square Station

Mastering a Masterpiece: Analyzing the artistry of James Joyce’s “Ulysses”

Saturday, January 28th, 2017

“Mastering A Masterpiece: The Artistry of James Joyce’s Ulysses” is the follow-up course I’ve created to “Epic Journey: How To Enjoy Reading James Joyce’s Ulysses.” It will begin Monday, January 9, 2017 at 7pm-9pm. Now open for registration here.

Find out a bit more about this book through my Research paper here.

James Joyce course


I’m quite excited to be offering my James Joyce course again this Fall! Sign up here.

Many people take this course twice, and for any of you who are thinking of doing this — you should! I was in Ireland for a fortnight in March 2016 and have spectacular stories to share, and much to add to the course.

Epic Journey How to Enjoy Reading James Joyce's Ulysses (for web1)

NEW this year will be the follow-up Level II in the winter where we’ll get more in-depth and master the masterpiece.

Check out the fun we had a Bloomsday Montreal this past summer! I gave a workshop at McGill as part of the festival.

Aztecs on happiness: ‘do the dance’

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

“The Aztecs had a saying: ‘The earth is slippery, slick,’ which was as common to them as a contemporary aphorism such as ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ is to us. What they meant is that the Earth is a place where humans are prone to error, where our plans are likely to fail, and friendships are often betrayed.”

My friends, stand up!
The princes have become destitute,
I am Nezahualcoyotl,
I am a Singer, head of macaw.
Grasp your flowers and your fan.
With them go out to dance!
You are my child,
you are Yoyontzin [daffodil].
Take your chocolate,
flower of the cacao tree,
may you drink all of it!
Do the dance,
do the song!
Not here is our house,
not here do we live,
you also will have to go away.

Read more about the Aztec ideas on happiness versus doing some worthwhile here.

Despite the Last Nights

Saturday, January 7th, 2017

Despite the Last Nights

The wet hairy man smell
Especially if you didn’t wash your hair
But wet, thick Egyptian curls like Maori dreads
Lengthened down your neck

And by god we’d be brain dead
After we’d have quick sex!
Slipping in an orgasm
Before Sunday dinner with your relatives!

Your Dad would greet us hello
We’d stare like zombies in apocalypse.
Seriously brain-fried from minds blown
And I could still feel you inside.

“We’re gonna get along just fine”
you once said after a gallery visit
when we got back to yours I lifted my dress
half naked on your black leather couch was the best.

So many great fun memories
Like you mistaken for a local in Paris.
Retarded you, nearly puked in bed
Too much drinking there in Switzerland.

But remember how I scratched my skin
Got vertigo and migraines so often?
I was itching to get out of fakeland village
And the Leon’s furniture: I never liked it.

I always knew you were meant for her
She looks like Julie Delply: magnificent.
You said “she’s my Jordan”
But one thing is different –

You’ve got the ability to be her husband
I could never be like the wife that ex is with.

I’m far too complex, complicated
Tricky for me to settle domesticated.
I love cooking, cleaning with my man
But we have to keep our brains/souls electric.

And your caretaker ways, you are great with kids
I never said I wanted them.
Take a look at my tallest ex
You’ll see me paired childless there, perfect.

My god how I faked it
and got into a relationship.
You just trying to prove yourself
Me, just desperate.

But there it was: foreign and Arabic
French-Swiss and intelligent.
Sociable, kind when not arrogant.
Striving to be man of the house: you did it!

But I never liked your hands much.
And you said my ass could perk up.
And I get ready to leave tonight
With a clear head, no orgasm in sight,
Didn’t we laugh a lot despite the last nights.

Sylvie Hill

Exacting, Exactly.

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017


Exacting, Exactly.

There’s a man who’s got busy on your island.
And, you met him and he said you said of me
“I knew a girl from Canada once, she was crazy!”

But he took a sip of his drink, knew you’d say this
of all women who expose you, you’re atrocious.
And you know just how to make it
so it’s justifiable when you ghost them.

He said you do indeed have the dead-deadened eyes.
And you went to the toilet like with me several times.
And when you said, “are you from Canada, then?”
He lied…

Under cover, “I’m American and never been to London.”
In this work, I never asked him, nor gave him any directions.

Remember, they don’t know who we are.
We last left each other in London.
Your band, my book – still stuck back in Britain.
You’ve no idea how I wear my hair.

When the man returned from the South Pacific
He looked at my hands, he said: “Wow. Intense.”
“Yes, I know, I wrote he thought my hands were like a witch’s.”

Perhaps, he laughed, but it was more than this.
“In your mannerisms, you are both twins:
Exact, and efficient.”

But I thought ‘how lazy I was in thought!
Getting drunk, not giving a fuck in London town!’
“But that is when he watched…inconspicuous.”

But I thought ‘how bullshit he was in words!
Saying shit that was so rude and absurd!’
“But that is how you were alert…in silence.”

There’s a man who’s got busy on my continent.
And, he met me and he said he knew you, I said,
“I knew a guy from over there once, he was…”



That was it.

Sylvie Hill 2017

Happy New Year, thoroughly unMused.

Sunday, January 1st, 2017


Happy New Year, thoroughly unMused.

Well, it is the first day of the first month
Of the year two thousand seventeen.
And what became of us in years
We are forgetting with age, so easily.

But we feel our skin wilt, wrinkles wiggle
And the skin sags and jiggles.
And I smile that my form is still there
The one that loved, was flexible and agile.

But rigidity and logic have set in
I feel no desire except for exes:
In midnight thoughts, the handsomest
In daydream reverie, the kindest.

And let us not forget in London: the vilest.

Happy New Year, thoroughly unMused.
If this time my eyeballs rove not
Nor feel any kind of mood…

Be I completely immersed in friends!
Very aware of my social awkwardness!
Prepared for the new challenge!
Wishing with the Good Doctor my good health!

UnMused and present, accounted for with faults!
My issues? Known, line them up against the wall!
Still uninspired by any man not foreign, from abroad.
But unMused, very happily, and patient.

Well, it is the first day of the first month
Of the year two thousand seventeen.
Two books done, that Muse killed off.
Let breed what will my poetry…

Let bleed not my attraction: it’s ceased.
But upon human nature, j’écrit.

Sylvie Hill
January 1, 2017


Saturday, December 24th, 2016



So, the really seemingly-bossy mother who’s juggling a couple of kids and one with a disability, we distance ourself from her in fear that her bitchiness will sting us. We cringe at her relentless commandeering, thinking of her husband saying, “good god, I wouldn’t want to be married to that!”

The bipolar relative whose behaviour scares and annoys us, we push away saying “I can’t handle him, it’s too much.”

A girl tries an IUD that plugs up most women nowadays if they’re not already patching and injecting and swallowing pills so they won’t get pregnant, and gets ill within days, but thinks “I must be crazy — all the girls use this. It’s safe.”

Mental illness and women’s health — two areas that are in dire need of research, support and exploration yet I see only pharmaceutical companies gaining momentum and $$ in the treatment of human disease for which medical doctors seem to know very little.

1 – How about support services for the mother, who we all know has to maintain a rigid routine or else all will crumble? Don’t we all know a mother who seems like a Hitler with a husband who fucks the dog, but really has no choice but to take the reins?

2 – How about healers instead of drama-seeking vulture psychotherapists, and public education for those facing guilt from having to avoid a mentally ill person who is more in need of our care and love than a stable person? Do you know the difference between someone with a treatable mental bobo versus a certifiable mentally ill person whose real self has gone AWOL in a freaky psychosis?

3 – How about education for men about contraception so that women don’t have to pollute their bodies, and how about women’s care centres who LISTEN to women’s concerns beyond what traditional medical practitioners do — which is to say, listen solely to ‘clinical studies’ (funded by the pharma companies.) Are you a woman who has doubts about the synthetic hormones you’re putting in your body and what it would be like if it was pure? Ever hear of a diaphragm?

Amazing, we know shit — as in, little — about how to manage our human condition, being too busy conditioning our ‘human’ to conform to mechanical and a robot Life. Good luck with that, used men and women.

SH 2016


Sunday, December 18th, 2016



I get it. I truly now get it. With my very own fibroid, maybe likely due to the fact that I haven’t had children and my body produces too much estrogen that leads to menstrual migraines – what fun – and the perimenopausal roller-coaster bullshit impending doom likely in a few years to come, I fully understand the value of hanging out with others who have uteruses and those who have suffered great pain ejecting infants from cervixes. I can tell they won’t judge me because their wisdom far exceeds a male being whose only potions exiting body is semen, piss and shit. Maybe vomit if he drank too much, and a whole lot of snot from a man cold. What?

So, I get it. The value of the sisterhood of which I am rather paranoid since my own sister was a bloody bully, treated me viciously, and would threaten to ruin my shirt I lent her if I asked for it back one more time, nicely. Sibling rivalry? Or talk about super bad parenting. Man, when I think of the shit that woman has done to me. Mental illness? I used to say, “Mom, something is not right with her, eh?” And mom would say nothing. Much like mom said nothing of her own depression and sleeping mid-day with constant headaches, fluctuating hormones, devilish moods, inconsistent love and the argument that would hold up in a court of love of: “Well, I put food on the table didn’t I?!” I paid $150 for one hour with a shrink once for which the tidbit about that was – apparently parents are supposed to feed children, but for me there was no guarantees apparently and that I had a minute steak and boiled carrots despite lack of being comforted or consoled was of no consequence. Could explain why I ate my fingernails out of control when I was little. A message from me to me that I could provide for myself, much like I did exiting the womb with a twisted umbilical cord and baby breech with my feet gravity-bound knowing my poor ma with her anxiety was never gonna be a treat.

Wow. Is this why I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO A WOMAN’S RETREAT? Women scare the SHIT out of me! I find the married ones with kids – judgey. I drop a swear or a Denis Leary bleed of vulgarity and biting truth about some bullshit upheld societal mislead, and man, those heads glance askance with a tsk tsk heard in the distance and some kumbaya or worse – dictatorial – in a speech about how wrong I am, but really I am not. Are men so disengaged that this is why they would have nothing to say or would they be raging in agreement quietly and shutting their faces like I have learned to do, too, at the woman’s retreat?

My men have had no problems with my uterus bleeding and bought pads for me, willingly. In my twenties, all men made no fuss about ‘no penetration’ and took fooling around after a night at bars so happily and appreciatingly. I don’t think men are assholes. My dad is one but there’s a reason for it and my mom acts like one and there is no excuse for that.

Oh no. I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO A WOMAN’S RETREAT because maybe they will catch me in that last mistake. “Why do you let off the men in your life for bad things and expect your mom to be a saint?” You see, already I’m predicting lectures from matronly women and I am petrified by their estrogen. I’d rather go chop wood or go fishing. This is not to say that women can’t do this. But I like the silence in men and their lack of nagging. Do I have a problem?

And I have had great female friends. But they are different. They are newcomer Canadians and immigrants. They are frugal and travelled the world, not suburban. They are not vanilla-looking ladies, nor wrangling from rafters, and all are steady in their relationships with children. They’ve got poise and composure, integrity and value. They’ve got sensibility and time for me, but would THEY go to a woman’s retreat?

Can I please go to the MEN’S RETREAT as a woman? Is there a place for women to go for men’s influence or is that the genders are so distinct in their realities and traits that this concept elicits a laugh as women scoff, “women at a man’s retreat – ha! The men would just want to fuck them!” But what of us chicks with no more dads, nor brothers and very, very scary women as sisters and mothers and aunts and a maternal Grand’Mere from where it started want/need the influence of the different gender and may feel safer if not in preference.

Why is it when I think of “WOMEN’S RETREAT” I feel I’m not woman enough? That I don’t have the right trite gold and diamond ring married to a chap with a dual income and pretty things? That I am less as I don’t carry the wisdom of growing a kid in my belly while all while the knowing what would have been for them essential and needed? That I am too loud, too opinionated and will be shat on for my views and swears that work better what with lesbians or gentlemen?

So for now, no, I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO THE WOMAN’S RETREAT because they scare me. And, I’m working through this shit, indeed, as needed. But I feel there is a veneer of “together” and “peace” that these women emit or if not they are batshit crazy. As we are. As can be men. Maybe I’m retaliating against the lack of inauthenticity that motherhood may sometimes breed among some women who are sadly stuck in roles so suffocating that they can’t breathe. If you say I know knowing, I’ll ask you now to politely fuck me since I teach about these kinds of women at the university. And no my credentials and university graduate education and prestigious position doesn’t make me elite, but I feel you’ll judge me as a kid with a big mouth and darling, I’m seeing right through your screen you use to try and keep what bugs ya, out, you see?

Oh heavens, I don’t understand women, and due to a lack of bonding with my primary caregiver female mother, unfortunately until further notice and education, the regular program here of fearing is resuming.

Sylvie Hill 2016


Sunday, December 18th, 2016



I will ask you why this picture is so scary.
And only few if any will say what I’m thinking.
Some may say, “she may fall and hurt herself!”
Others, darker, “do you think she’ll get raped??”
Oh, our adult brains and scenarios we make.

This picture scares me!
Because she is a cutie and I’d want to cuddle her.
Squeeze her tight and make her giggle.
No, I do not want children.
But to encourage exploration in a little person!

This pictures cares me…
Because … I can’t even find the words.
Or explain properly my discomfort and fear.
What is scary is the concept of adoring the ‘child-me’
It is foreign, far, over and selectively revealed.

So, I will ask you why this picture is so scary.
And you might say: “you see innocence and need?”
And I will greet you with an “exactly”
Because what I needed was rarely seen – or met
But I can feel it when I, too, hover on a fence –

Incapable of articulating.
Standing there mute, my needs were moot
to an anxious mother, it was all about her
to a strange father, he was his own universe.
But Grandma there with the unconditional…

Yeah this picture scares me for a past I didn’t have
And for the future that is possible if I was only brave enough to ask.
For the mothers who lost their baby girls
For the fathers who have to let them go in the world
Love heals, and love hurts

When we were young we were vulnerable and it came to us
Growing old, we build our own walls, and try to get out.

SH 2016