Author Archive


Sunday, December 18th, 2016


THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS. Something got me thinking. The one time I’ve been burned by a guy who left me to deal with the trauma, was a situation where the chap self-identified as being a bit of a dick even while he was simultaneously totally helpful and pivotal in my life.

“I’m a miserable old bastard,” “I’m negative,” “I’m generally fucking rude to everyone.” He told me. He also said “Don’t read between the lines if emotions are involved,” to help rid meself of the drama I was infusing upon our non-situation. He also said “You may not like me if you met me in person, I’ve a sharp tongue.” He also taught me “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” Oh, I did the crime, alright. So, is this a “victim mentality?” Should I do a kumbaya and tell Injured Sylvie she needs to “forgive herself?” Or might I do better to laugh at myself and say, “Sylvie, you dumbass.” Now come, here, give us a hug.

Look – if a man OR A WOMAN comes at ya sporting horns, lookin’ a bit red, and you can feel their fire — is it that they’re a dick, or are you a moron? Bit of both? How long are you going to hang out? How many ex-partners do you need to consult to convince you? Don’t you have a bloody instinct for these people that the ‘adjusted’ folks can spot a mile away?

THAT IS THE CRUX: where the hell did your instinct go? What happened to your radar that you spend even two seconds in the company of a potentially and likely corrupting force? Take responsibility for showing up to the party, man.

And hey, if the party just appears on your door step without you truly inviting it, then I sympathize. But, baby, if you sent an invite …

… then shut up.

Verge Vanguard!

Saturday, December 10th, 2016

Brick Lane Coffee

Verge Vanguard!

I had hardly got to King’s Cross,
brought my suitcases and stuff back to the Jesmond
Laid down on the skinny bed, rested
Before heading down to Brick Lane to meet someone.
But it wasn’t my fault she was hung
He was prepping for a show and the other couldn’t go.
You seemed pissed off
that I was solo, maybe it was that I was so slow
drinking my tea, eating my leaves, forking my salmon.

Remember how you got ENRAGED
about my bag hanging on the edge of my seat?!
“Don’t facking put your bag there! Bag thieves!”
You yanked it and tucked it near your shoes
I swear our neighbours thought I was “girlfriend, Abused”
“Oh no no, he’s alright, not a boyfriend, JUST my Muse!”
Ah, I was as pissed off as you!

From Paris streets in Le Marais
to bloody crowds, ass-to-ass like a Canada Day Parade
and a few BBQs?
Overstepped that secret sign to Brick Lane
Was walking among Bangladeshi and Pakistini
I’m not in Kansas anymore, man, can you help?!
I called and I called, you wrote:
“You’ve gone too far.”
WELL COME AND GET ME, you fucking rockstar!

But I am a grown-up lady, and TRAVELLER
I will find my way through the vibrant streets
the sellers and the marketers
and the hipsters and artsy elite.
That was weird, who gets that mad at a bag?
Then I thought maybe cuz if it got ripped off
It’d be you who would have to run after it?

To take the edge off, we went to the Verge
and when you went piss by the guy in Iron Maiden
pointed to your coat said:
And “did you hear me? Watch it!”
I did! It was neat! I felt like the Vanguard SUPREME
I was ready for someone to come by and steal
I would jump so fucking fast
knock over your glass
and my pint in which you put the shells of pistaches!
Fuck I would fly
to get the coat back from that guy
I’d say “FUCK OFF, that’s my friend’s jacket!”
There’d be a racket.
They would all clap when I got back with it.

You’d come out of the can,
not knowing what went down
And I’d tell you of my feat and how I kept your coat
safe and sound!
Returning, I’d show you what I’d won back
And you’d say, “I’ve got another just like
so I don’t really give a fuck.”
Kind of like how you treated me
After we made love…

SH 2016


Thank You, I’m Free Now.

Friday, November 18th, 2016


Thank You, I’m Free Now.

They say that there are some things
For which we’ll never know the answer.
To give up on the search for the meaning
And to accept the situation as absurd.

I am no longer the London fish tank.
And no longer a dead fish going with the flow.
Out of the small pond that was the bowl
And into the big world of Unknowns!

Thank you, I’m free now with his answer.
And yes it helped a little to know.
That my charitable heart and friendship
Means nothing, in the end, to a scoundrel.

And I could see in the way his “fans”
And friends and family members corralled
Laughed at others with their sharp tongues
Counted points like on a scoreboard.

Except she who looked like a kind-hearted woman?
In a suit, white shirt and brilliant red scarf.
It was New Years Eve, you were in a suit,
By a mirror, second photo of you in smile.

The first photo of you from 2000:
A young, fun guy at 12 Bar relatively silent.
The next from 2013, I had to delete
You looked proper evil, mean – empty.

And your lot may think me half-crazy
As were you & may have been drunk in Spain telling me:
“Thank you for all your help, I mean it”
And to you I say, well that’s done, November 17 – three years

No more counting…
No more wondering…
You really did not care at all.

And it’s on me for believing
I had it figured out!

They say that there are some things
For which we’ll never know the answer.
To give up on the search for the meaning
And to accept the person was a bastard.

And that I posted as a Poet undercover
when I was nothing but a weakened morsel

floating about in patterns.

Sylvie Hill 2016

Male Muses

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Male Muses

Oh, how we revere the Male Writer with his Female Muse!! But she is being used for his purposes noble or not and we romanticize it all do we not?

I am not angry! (It is funny). But do they not see? Female Muses to men are active in their passivity. By contrast, Male Muses are deliciously passive in action, not inaction; they are ready-steady toward Woman-Writer’s manic.

And since modern men were not bred servants to women, she-Artist who muses a man is considered obsessive – less romanticized: pathologized.

Female Muses are ideal for Male Artists because they most often are quite passive. Man Writer imprints upon her his projections, bleeds her dry. “What’s the matter?” Always a matter.

She complies. In fact, she just lays there, may lie, her needs she keeps quiet – or worse: loud, so loud, but what is this?! Ah, yes! Here comes her white knight!

If a man focused-upon responds to a woman’s fawning and prompts in normal ways of returning attention, he is but a BURDEN to her and her art, and fails as Muse in an instant.

This now becomes boyfriend material. This has no place in her musing realm of unreal realities, machinations and imaginations in fantasy. She has a book to write that she is unaware needs written.

Do not bother her with your needs, Man! She is busy (m)using you for what SHE requires, feels. Be there when she is human and asks for advice. Burst that you are not an Agony Aunt, tell her to fuck off, to give it space and spice.

And return, unsure, of which woman you are with now. Is she the Female Writer studying you as specimen? Is she a hurt friend, looking to you to make an amend?

An effective Male Muse for this voracious Female Writer, has Asperger qualities, in my opinion: logical, debilitatingly sensitive, fierce engagement in the bluntest of ways. Affected only on His terms, if and when he can, and does so consistently. Interested.

A smart man used as muse will recognize her stage, says: “You couldn’t play me if you tried,” but lays receptive to projections in her smiles. And abides if spoken to directly, abides.

It is impossible to acquire a new Male Muse as one might select her eggs and proper-sized cheese blocks at the grocer’s.

When musing, a Female Writer is lost labyrinthinic in a secret world of signs and coincidences that bind her to the Man in manner, infinite.

Magic (Male Muses) maintains mystery for a Female Writer for as long as She’s wired to pattern. Man unravels it but Universe is in charge.

Friend, it is why I talk often of death. Why, my story started with a first love who looked like a man who like a man in London looked like him, and then… That London chap’s man wore a ballcap and full circle back to looking like the first man – my man, my old love for whom I’d break off since my eyes wandered for the lookalike rockstar in my home town.

So what is left if all the pieces added up, and all the men were found?

And that my first love married the perfect woman in the image of his mom: safe and smiling unlike yours truly at the pen full of ferocity and sincerity and fierce desire to always be feeling; one for longer dinner conversations debating with personalities; and, blunt-fire accusations of ridiculous meanderings coupled with monologic discourses that inspire and infuriate the non-opinion minions.

I’ve chased tail and chasing my tail in a tale spun from Ottawa to London, with a stop over on the television with Muse in San Francisco. It rests now on the other side of the world in New Zealand. Like a volcano under a big blue sky. Dormant.

Like a virus that if I be weakened, and if He smelt blood, could erupt through few words, one note, a call-out code-red in an instant.

Do you know how it feels to know someone holds the key to a lock you’ve lost or best leave forgotten?

No, even in the silence between the Female Writer and her former Male Muse, then, is a wee belief that His retreat is intentional and in that He gives her something.

Yes, the dynamics between the Male Artist with his Female Muse are known, documented by great male poets and accepted.

But when the Female Artist takes a Male Muse, one-sided, yes – she may be looking to play Saviour and save Him. She sees all at once he is Human and loves him for it.

And, calls “bullshit” when it is all done.

She looks back at the trip. For some, Musing shields us from living our current life in our skin. Preference for a more electric current filled with mood, urges, yearning and coincidence.

Whether “fated” or forced – when Leonard Cohen saw to introduce himself and help Marianne by the door. Damsel in distress or all in the Poet; a gentleman compassionate compatriot of women left alone with herself and a baby and a basket.

(My, my it is sounding like Kundera’s Tomas finding Tereza was like a child put in a pitch-daubed bulrush basket and sent downstream, it seems. I maybe prefer Serge Gainsbourg chasing his basket-bag Birkin through the gutters of Paris!)

I might have done well then with chancing such fortune? Moving to Hydra, belly bloated with a child conceived in London, and waiting for my poet-soldier on an island?

But no, as a Woman Writer I have very few role models. Most of them suicidal, called nutters and psychiatric survivors. Or so misunderstood in a society favouring men and their customs.

Oh, how we revere the Male Writer with his Female Muse!! But she is being used for his purposes noble or not and we romanticize it all do we not?

I am not angry! (It is funny). But do they not see? “So long, Marianne…” has a special ring. “Where the fuck did you go, Jim?” has but comical sting.

It is poetic for Man Poet Cohen to leave Marianne and we all mourn the division. But for the Female Muser who jonesed her fill still, who crossed the line poorly from Writer to Human needing his compassion, well she could learn a thing or two from a wandering Jew and bohemian Montrealer…

Discarding people like wrappers of candy bars so we Writers can savour the treat – happens. But Cohen invited Marianne to the feast. And, my Male Muse so often ruined my appetite that I did not, could not, want to eat.

But voracious in my cravings for a strange nourishment He breeds, beyond the interactions in real life between the Writer and Subject, darling dear girl Writer and Male Muser (of which I know only a famous one of Colin Farrell), please know when it is time to go…

… and when it’s time to right back your (m)useless future.

For musing is a luxurious distraction from Life that one puts into books for some kind of comfort.

But when the last word is written, and no one bothers with criticism, and the tome sits in tomb like the secrets of your womb, then darling – just shut up.

Self-destruct, or make a Life like Cohen with his art! But be you full-time in your fancy thoughts yet part-time on the Artist’s job, with your fancy man of days bygone, you are nothing if only intolerable.

Just get married, have kids and raise a family and do a job you don’t really like. Sit at home on weekends in your superb home theatre and read the newspaper at breakfast gawking over headlines. Stay quiet, don’t rock the boat and save all your money for your kids and retirement. Like T.S. Eliot said of these kinds of folks, they had dream once, they died, and at death – reckoned, this was a “good life.”

No thank you. Set me instead on fire.

Is what I might say with a Muse in my way, but museless – I ask only to keep my fire on the wood, my tears in the rain, and the past safely stored in the fossils of my brain.

And pain – in migraines. No more heartache, again. The brains ache. “This hurts my brain,” like you’d say.

When we are musing, we are using a Force, for which we are resilient against blame. You muse with no choice, and in the end you always gain. Wisdom and experience and incredible stories some nights over pints you’d tell those who cared, or who were the same.

But mostly, it’s a quiet storm forever in your soul it rages. And sometimes smug, you look around and pity the morons with no substance. Then your smile turns to a cry inside as you wish you could be – dumb.

Yet thank Goddess you’re half-crazy enough and maybe even moronic, to be wired to some Power that lets you see pattern or at least – to create and adopt some.

The Male Muse for this Woman Writer is her conduit, her pusher and her driver. But the One who sees her coming his way, who can race her then pull her over even crash her in jest – surely will be her Lover to whom in spirit and body finally surrender, and rest…

Sylvie Hill 2016

Leonard Cohen in the Garden of England

Thursday, November 10th, 2016

The first time I learned of Cohen
Was as a Canadian in the back garden
Of a Kentish Town bedsit
One tube stop down from Camden.

In garden, smoking my cigarette
I heard some music from the window ledge
Convinced could be a famous British talent
It was indeed a musician.

With long flowing black hair
Behind the white wind swept curtain
The music stopped and he appeared, listened
Then said hello to me in his British accent.

“Hi, I’m Canadian,” I said, like an utter dimwit
jetlagged and intrigued by this Island.
He said, “Ah, from Canada, then
The Land of Leonard Cohen.”

I had been writing poetry in uni
Before I had been having sex.
I was writing about fucking, that and this
But hadn’t heard of Bukowski yet.

And so it was with Leonard Cohen
Hadn’t heard his songs or his poetry then
But the British chap hunted down my address
Mailed me flowers and a copy of “Beautiful Losers” by ’96.

But it took decades before I read it
And when I did, I loved it.
And it was House of Love, Chadwick and Bicks
Who’d turn me onto the covers disc.

“I’m Your Fan” – indeed I am
became because of Gary S Brittain in the garden.
But it was my own trips to Montreal and feeling soul in it
That turned me onto Cohen in the instant.

And the two bars of soap poem I read along the way
The simplicity but majesty he wrote of in his way
And the way he penned of fucking and love poetic
Oh you can’t explain it

So just walk Montreal, and you’ll know of it.

Sylvie Hill 2016


Leonard Cohen, a kick in the ass

Thursday, November 10th, 2016

Today I had a health issue
Like last week was another one
And I kept thinking
“If I live through this”
I best soon move to Montreal.
Or at least visit
To soak it in
The soul and the life of Leonard Cohen’s
And tonight I watch a flick
Of a dying chick
And thought more about living
And said
“If I feel for this”
I best soon stop wasting so much time, then!
And I saw a tweet about James Joyce being dead
Which I knew, but Cohen dying?
And yes, it’s confirmed
About an hour ago
As I watched my health risked–
And my death flicks–
And my personal mused sign about something from Auckland–
The great Poet – dead
Almost like my soul predicted
That with Cohen kicking the bucket, passed
For us hesitant, scared Poets,
A kick in the ass.

Sylvie Hill 2016

I Am Measured

Saturday, November 5th, 2016

Girl Coffee Shop

I Am Measured

Oh, he did say that, too:
That he measured his life out
in coffee spoons.
And whether it meant he enjoyed
a lot of espressos
or the characters who loomed
or that he was poor
and couldn’t afford
anything but a cuppa
before Noon?
Who knows, but he was writing
to find his groove.

I have measured out my life
in trips to Heathrow.
Two men for whom
I would swoon
for the first in intellect
and his understanding
and the second for his absurd
ways and sarcasm, and supporting.
My Life skips annoying like
bent records waxed
in pain, waning, pining
Yet always a’ feeling inspired!

But I am not boy crazy.
Equally fascinating
are amazing ladies.
But “interesting” does not
stay put in Uninteresting
and everyone here is
Emails go unanswered
for answering a baby’s crying.
There is safety here –
Which breeds routine
and Don’t Smile At Me.

Raphael accompanied me:
a French Swiss kid
From Montreal to New York City.
Eyes tropical pond green.
And paws for carpenter hands.
Spoke to me of everything.
Smoked a smoke like we were having sex.
Not unlike Goulven
with his French confidence.
These guys were 21 and 26.
Like the young Russian
at Food Basics:
Personality ELECTRIC!

I measure my life in paycheques.
And staying out of debt.
Securing health benefits
to treat a body that will be dead
without having continued
risks, nor wearing anything
intriguing, lately —
for bed.

Sylvie Hill 2016

My, How The Heartbroken Love Their Seasons

Saturday, November 5th, 2016


My, How The Heartbroken Love Their Seasons

And I know why
they love the Summer
with the early-rise sun
moody thunder.
And Fall’s dark warmth
and Fall foliage
and desolate November.
Makes us love December.
Snowfall cover.
And, the outdoors.
I know why
they love the Spring
that thaws and rebirths
and reminds us
of Nature’s worth.
And surprise.
I know why.
Because when they fall
fast in love
and spring fast too forward
never getting enough,
and when they burn, freeze,
and then thaw
feeling energized
and then blah
…all about and toward a
They can say with reason
“Oh, but love is like a season:
It comes, it goes”
And they sigh:
“Time and place,
Don’t you know…”
My, how the heartbroken
Love their seasons:
It appeases us.
With promises of return
And routine
Distractions from the death
Of the preceeding…

Sylvie Hill 2016

ART: Sevada Grigoryan

On The Verge of Death, A Blossoming

Monday, October 31st, 2016


On The Verge of Death, A Blossoming

What wondrous world it would be
To not live by the years
To not abide by seasons
And the metrics, measures they breed.

That I am going into autumn; deceasing
trees, windswept shrubs and unpleasing
darkness of short days, sharp breeze:
simply – a deadening, Fall is, a deadening.

But if it were that every Fall
was actually a Spring and it is and can be
if I pattern my thoughts upon you and see
the world through your mouth and feet.

Because in your world down under,
my summer was your winter.
And while we walked in light layers,
you lot were bundled in insulators.

So, it is not a lie then that the big blue skies:
industries of Nature’s Plan before our eyes,
and palm trees, Pacific breeze, bumblebees
work to produce the machine, the gears…

…that turn our cranks or slow us down.
That lift us at sun-rise five at dawn in Canada.
Or, debilitate our moods, deplete brawn
at three fourty-five in Cork City or London town.

What wondrous world it would be
to not live by the years!
To not abide by seasons!
And the metrics, measures they breed.

To always be plucking tomatoes like in Wakefield!
Kale by the free bunches in the rich soil!
TV scene, oh, just watching the blowing leaves of trees, me.
Natural attractions, the breeze, and a beautiful, deep sleep.

To not be forcing gestation
in a mad dash toward our progression!
To always observe, to always question
what Life we are leading…

Always choosing to create it.
Instead of letting Life lead us
blindly by its temporal, misread Reality
to an early death
before our blossoming.

Oh what a wonderful world – I think –
if we felt it deeply in patience
instead of waiting to be a Patient
and on the verge of death
to welcome it.

Sylvie Hill 2016


Sunday, October 30th, 2016
