Author Archive
Sounds of Silence in Montreal, Deafening! (aka Dead Boys)
Sunday, June 12th, 2016Parc Lafontaine
Sunday, June 12th, 2016Un Petit Pot De Mousse Au Chocolat
Sunday, June 12th, 2016June 14: Sylvie giving workshop on James Joyce’s ULYSSES at Montreal’s Bloomsday (McGill)
Sunday, June 12th, 2016Delighted to join one of Canada’s most lively and comprehensive Bloomsday events at Bloomsday Montreal from June 12 – 16, 2016! Bloomsday is an annual and global event that celebrates the book, Ulysses, by James Joyce.
I will be giving a workshop on Ulysses on June 14, 2016:
June 14 – Tuesday:
Reading Ulysses with Sylvie Hill: A practical session on how to approach the reading of Ulysses – for beginners or those who’ve given up in the past. At the McGill Community for Lifelong Learning 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. $10
I’ll draw from the course I designed for uOttawa’s Centre of Continuing Education – Personal Enrichment Activities Program called “Epic Journey: How to enjoy reading James Joyce’s Ulysses.”
The same one I was to teach at University College Cork in Ireland!
Sunday, June 5th, 2016KILL THEM OFF
Saturday, May 28th, 2016ALL THAT I NEEDED
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016NEW JOB: Sylvie takes sabbatical to work for The Ottawa Public Library
Saturday, May 14th, 2016Hello!
I’m on sabbatical from my 15-year career in communications with The Government of Canada to work for the municipality of Ottawa at the Ottawa Public Library. It’s an exciting time in Ottawa and for the library, as we are looking to our community to help us decide upon the location of the new central library.
In this nine-month Public Information Officer role, I’ll get to combine my LOVE of books, literature and the democratization of culture. I’ll be working with a talented and lively team to lead on a Social Media Strategy for the library, Web Strategy, delivering communications support for engagement activities with our public and helping a great team with both corporate and program communications.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!
I’ll be continuing to offer my uOttawa Enrichment Program courses and hopefully returning to Ireland as well in early 2017! What a year ahead!
See you at the Library!