POEM: “Book ends” — Oh wow can timing be off / Meeting at the wrong time for my confidence
Book ends.
He offered to take me for sushi in Soho
“I know a nice place,” he said in slow-mo.
Drunk, stupid. I didn’t hear him.
But he offered to bring me sushi at McGill.
“I’ll bring you dinner,” he said to eat on a bench.
Excited, receiving, I ate it, full.
They both know the right sushi places.
They both know restaurants and the lady chefs.
And they both cut crisp with their observations.
And they both are blunt in their expression.
Book ends.
And I thought he was a slut like the last one
But turns out he never slept with anyone.
And yet I gave over to the nasty one
Resisting the one who’s not been around.
Oh wow can timing be off
Meeting at the wrong time for my confidence
And his moving to New Zealand.
Meeting after he has his family set
And me being ready to jump all in.
Book ends.
Sylvie Hill, Montreal, April 2019.